DANLADI, HALIMA BALARABA2023-09-212023-09-212004-01-26https://teras.ng/api/asset/document/425b3710-2594-40fa-adc3-c7af784fab36https://teras.ng/catalog-item/4e2a86f3-18a3-42e0-8386-12759da19007http://dspace.teras-network.net:4000/handle/123456789/12546This study deals with the pharmacognostic and biological aspects of the leaves and stem bark of Hymenocardia acida Tul (Family Euphorbiaceae). Euphorbiceae is a large and heterogeneous family found mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics. H. acida is a savannah shrub or tree with twisted trunk usually less than 4.5 m high but sometimes attaining as much as 9m. it is commonly found in Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria; widely spread in tropical AfricaPHARMACOGNOSTIC AND BIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE LEAVES AND STEM-BARK OF HYMENOCARDIA ACIDA, TUL. (EUPHORBIACEAE)Research Theses