YUSUF IBRAHIM2023-09-222023-09-222019-10-20https://teras.ng/api/asset/document/34ff3012-2279-4b86-9de6-6cfc83200697https://teras.ng/catalog-item/e43b28e7-2f97-4579-8e3e-716ac2e28651http://dspace.teras-network.net:4000/handle/123456789/39755The issue of motivation has continually posed a big challenge to business organizations around the globe especially in the manufacturing industries where high levels play of productivity affect or a major role in determining the profitability, growth, development, stability and future success of an organization. Therefore an organization in a bid to achieve success in monitoring a competitive edge over its rival as well organization in a bid to achieve success and avoid a steady decline in the employees, must ensure productivity level of employees, must ensure productivity level of its members of the work force are adequately motivated. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the effect of employee motivation in organizational productivity. productivity. This effect of employee motivation on organizational productivity.EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL UNIVERSITY GUSAUUndergraduate Theses