PARIDA YUSUF MORIKI2023-09-222023-09-222019-12-13 medical practice mostly revolves round Phytochemistry. Phytochemical screening of medical plants would therefore help ,discover a wide range of more efficacious drugs safer and cheaper drugs. The various plant parts of Diospyros mespí/iformis were collected from Federal University Gusau. They were oven dried, pulverized and serially extracted by cold extraction procedure starting with methanol. The methanol extract was then serially extracted with aqueous. The result revealed the presence of cardiac glyqosídils, saponin, glyco;ides etc. in various extracts of the various plant· parts. The 'phytochetnieaL analysis' of the root extract of the root, steam and bark extracts of Diospyros mespilformix has opened up a fresh line of research into discoveries of new drugs M.J many classes.- It will be more fortt111ale if the new drngs thereafter discovered have bétter efficacy _and le$S toxicity than the already existing mles' in the classes.PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF JACKAL BERRY (Diospyrus mesi/liformis)Undergraduate Theses