Yusuf OBADIAH2023-09-212023-09-212019-12-05https://teras.ng/api/asset/document/2b16683c-fd30-45b4-9eb7-f5550fd77ee5https://teras.ng/catalog-item/530e5c5f-2722-4f64-8e27-b9561412e8c2http://dspace.teras-network.net:4000/handle/123456789/16382Before the advent of Christianity, the Bwatiye people were devoted to the practice of their traditional marriage. The advent of Christianity among the Bwatiye people led to the conversion of many Bwatiye people to the Christian faith. Consequent upon these developments, many Bwatiye Christian, began to distantce themselves and their children from Bwatiye traditional marriage practices.The Bwatiye people practice polygamy, marrying and dying without a child, for the Bwatiye people, is a grave punishment which is considered equal to a curse. So if the first wife is barren, the husband will try to marry a second wife to get his children. The Bwatiye people desire male children. Thus, if a wife continues to get female children, the husband may marry a second wife to get male children.However, the church has categorised polygamy as unworthy and the people involved cannot be admitted into full membership of the church. The churches demand that Christian matrimony should only be in monogamous marriage.Therefore, this research assessed the impact of Christianity on Bwatiye traditional marriage in Adamawa State, Nigeria. To guide the study four (4) objectives were stated: to determined the religious impact of Christianity, to assess the social impact of Christianity, and to examine the moral and economic impact of Christianity on Bwatiye traditional marriage. Four (4) research questions and four (4) null hypotheses were also stated in line with the objectives of the study. To effectively carry out the investigation, the researcher used descriptive survey research design. The total population of Bwatiye people in Adamawa State were 247,264. One thousand and sixty six 1066 were sampled to represent the total population. The instruments used for the data collection were questionnaire andinterview. The researcher used 1066 questionnaires and out of the number 934 were returned. Oral interview was also conducted with twelve (12) Bwatiye people. Data obtained were analyzed using simple percentage for bio data variables, meanand standard deviations for the research questions, and independent t-test was used to test the strength of the impact because of the two groups. The research findings showed that some aspects of Bwatiye traditional marriage beliefs and practices such as polygamy, sororate and levirate unions have been changed by Christianity. Thestudy recommended thatBwatiye People should understand that time and circumstances have change making polygamous marriage no more an attractive option. The nature of traditional economies, especially the need for more hands on the farm, which gave ground for the system of marriage, is no longer tenable under the impact of modernity and the reality of rapid population growth. In addition the impact of education and urbanization has radically altered the original views that supported polygamy.IMPACT OF CHRISTIANITY ONBWATIYE TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IN ADAMAWA STATE, NIGERIAPost Graduate Theses