Post Graduate Theses

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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2021-12-02) FATIMA MUHAMMAD BELLO BSc. QS (ABU, 2009), MSc. QS (ABU, 2012); FATIMA MUHAMMAD BELLO BSc. QS (ABU, 2009), MSc. QS (ABU, 2012)
    The construction Industry has laid emphasis on technical skills for performance improvement. However, performance does not depend only on technical skills but also on people/soft skills which can be measured using Emotional intelligence (EI). EI is established to be an important competence for teamwork settings. Predominantly, previous EI studies on teams focused on individual level EI neglecting the synergy of team members in a team. Therefore this study established the influence of EI on the performance of construction design teams. A mixed-method approach was utilised in collecting data by means of questionnairre survey and focus group interview. The questionnairre was used in collecting data for leader EI, team EI and team performance while the focus group interview gave more insight on the team activities related to emotional intelligence. The Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI) and Group Emotional Competences (GEC) survey were used for team leader EI and team EI respectively. A total of 52 projects were identified and clustered into eight (8) teams. The eight (8) teams consisted of 38 individuals. Thus the questionnairre was administered to 38 respondents from which 17 valid responses were received. Only four (4) teams fulfilled the criteria for analysis in line with the ESCI and GEC. Mean, percentages and correlational analysis were utilised in the analysis of the quantitative data while content analysis was used for the qualitative data. The results obtained showed that leader EI and team EI are yet to be of strength (that is having a mean score of 4.3 or above) thereby requiring improvement. Also, the total performance scores show that team performance can also be made better especicially in teams where members come from separate firms. Furthermore, the correlational analysis revealead that Leader EI has a significant association with only the team’s self-direction as indicated by the correlation coefficient value of 0.463 and significance value of 0.034 thereby suggesting that for constructiondesign teams the team leader EI do not contribute significantly to team performance. On the other hand TEI has significant positive association with the team’s self-direction and also with the average (overall) performance as indicated by the result of the correlation to be (τb= .432, p=.046) and (τb= .401, p=.042) respectively. This suggest that TEI contributes significantly to team performance of construction design teams. Therefore, this study concludes that Team emotional intelligence has greater influence on the performance of construction design teams more than the team leader EI. Nevertheless the team leader EI has great influence on TEI norms which in turn influences team performance. Thus the study recommends that individual EI competences should be developed given that every professional in construction is a potential team leader.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) Muhammad Abdu MAGO; Muhammad Abdu MAGO
    This study assessed the impact of economic empowerment programme (2008 – 2015) on performance of rural women entrepreneurs in Jigawa State, Nigeria. Primary data was collected from 405 respondents through the use of random sampling technique with the aid of a semi-structured questionnaire. The statistical tools used to analyze the data include;descriptive statistics;difference-in-difference analysis; cross-tabulation analysis; correlation analysis, Likert scale and regression analysis. Result from the study shows that (81%) of the women beneficiaries were married, with a mean age of35 years, majority of the women beneficiaries had formal education. The study shows that close to (90%) of the sampled entrepreneurs reported strongly that skills acquisition component of the economic empowerment impacted positively on their enterprise performance, similarly about (89%) of them strongly agreed that capacity building had positive influence on their entrepreneurial venture performance, nearly (82%) of the sampled entrepreneurs strongly agree that a positive relationship exist between equipment provision and entrepreneurial performance. The difference-in-difference analysis revealed that the government economic empowerment programme impacted positivelyon the performance of the beneficiaries with (84.8%) increase in profit, (31.4%) increase in income level and (41.3%) increase in savings after the intervention. The multiple regression analysis revealed that, the coefficients of determination; age (0.302), level of education (0.271), improvement upon completion of training (0.288), additional equipment purchased (0.526), capacity building training (0.408) and marital status (– 0.143)were the major determinants of rural women entrepreneurial performance. The value of the F-Statistics is 149.637 indicating a positive influence of economic empowerment on entrepreneurial performance of rural women entrepreneurs in Jigawa State. Fifty-nine percent of the beneficiaries have fully utilized the additional funds they received to purchase additional materials needed for their business xix improvement. On the beneficiaries‟ perception of the economic empowerment programme, (90%) of the sampled entrepreneurs from the three geopolitical zones in the State agreed that, there was neither sentiment or favouritism in selection of beneficiaries for the economic empowerment intervention, still, (47%) of the sampled entrepreneurs agreed that the government is the sole contributor to their success since it‟s the government that provided them with all the entrepreneurial skills, equipment and working tools as well as start-up grants, especially those from Jigawa central.Ninety-eight percent of the rural women entrepreneurs revealed that the total package they have received was not sufficient for their enterprise operation especially the cash advanced to them which was a major challenge on the operation of their enterprise. The study concluded that economic empowerment impacted positively on performance among rural women entrepreneurs in Jigawa State, Nigeria. The study recommends that Jigawa State government should re-introduce the programme with more improved packages within the State to promote rural women participation, especially to meet up with the drive in the country as well as global entrepreneurial settings.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) Haruna GARBA; Haruna GARBA
    This research examined the Assessment of Principals’ Role performance on School-Based Supervision in Secondary Schools in Yobe State. Five (5) objectives were raised to guide the study which include to: assess the principals’ supervisory practice on provision of instructional materials in senior secondary schools in Yobe State; examine the principals’ supervisory practice on supervision of instructional methods in Senior Secondary Schools in Yobe State;ascertain principals’ supervisory role performance on classroom visitation in senior secondary Schools in Yobe State; find out principals’ supervisory role performance on checking of record diary in senior secondary schools in Yobe State; and examine principals’ supervisory role performance on evaluation of instruction in senior secondary schools in Yobe State. Five (5) research questions and five (5) research hypotheses were also formulated which were in line with the stated objectives. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study was 925 respondents which consist of 16 principals, 40 school supervisors and 869 teachers in senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone. The sample size for the study was 260 respondents and structured questionnaire was used based on linkert scale; content and face validity was scrutinized. The pilot study was carried in Government High Islamic College Nguru. The reliability of the instrument was determined using cronbach alphaand reliability coefficient at 0.74. Frequency counts and simple percentage were used to analyze the bio-data of the respondents while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. However, the findings of the study revealed that; principals supervised of instructional materials provision such as textbooks and charts in senior secondary schools in Yobe State. It also revealed that principals guide the teachers on the use of instructional methods such as demonstration methods, dramatization method and discussion method in senior secondary schools in Yobe State. The study recommended among others that principals and government should ensure that instructional teaching materials are provided to teachers to encourage them to teach and should ensure that they are well kept and utilized for the promotion of teaching and learning toward the attainment of secondary schools objectives.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-12-04) Musa SAIDU; Musa SAIDU
    This study assessed the relevance of Social Studies in creating awareness on election-rigging and political crises among Junior Secondary School students in Kaduna state, Nigeria. Five (5) research objectives and questions as well as four (4) hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive survey method was employed and the population of the study was all JSS II and III students in Giwa Educational zone which stood at ten thousand and ninety-five (10,095) out of which a sample of four hundred and fifteen (415) was selected. “Creating Awareness on Election-Rigging and Political Crises through Social Studies (CREPOCSOS)” questionnaire was used for the data collection. Reliability index of 0.897 and 0.747 were obtained using Cronbach Alpha method. Mean and deviation were used to answer the research questions and null hypotheses were tested using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed, significant difference between the mean response scores of male and female JSS students on the impact of Social Studies Education in creating awareness on election rigging and political crises. However, no significant difference was found between the mean responses scores of JSS II and III Students on the impact of Social Studies Education in creating awareness on election rigging and political crises. Similarly, significant difference was not found between the mean response scores of urban and rural JSS students on the impact of Social Studies education in creating awareness on election rigging and political crises in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, content on the consequence of election rigging and political crises should be included in Social Studies curriculum at JSS level in order to inculcate positive democratic values and attitudes among students as well as save our electoral processes from violence; Social Studies should be introduced at Senior Secondary school level in order to increase students‟ awareness on rigging in Kaduna state and the country at large.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-08-16) Chinedu Charles OHAMBELE, B.Sc. Architecture (ZARIA); Chinedu Charles OHAMBELE, B.Sc. Architecture (ZARIA)
    This study highlightsthe mutual architectural qualities existent in both traditional markets and shopping malls to determine which of these is considered among patrons as important and why. This study sheds more light on why there seem to be a patronage shift from traditional markets to malls as indicated in literature; and which of these architectural qualities attributed to each is considered as a cause of such traction in Lagos State, Nigeria. Quantitative and qualitative analysis through structured questionnaire and behavioural mapping were used respectively, 58 questionnaires were analysed using SPSS v. 21 for means, standard deviations and ratings. It indicated that “hustle and bustle” (30.6%) and “ambience” (25.6%) were presently the key incentives for visiting both traditional markets and shopping malls respectively. Results were rated on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, which showed that proper drainage (4.60) and waste disposal (4.52) were two most important qualities for the success of traditional markets, while the presence of adequate parking areas (4.60) and obvious ingress/egress (4.52) were opined for malls. Further results implied that traditional markets (in Lagos) are still patronized not necessarily for the goods they afford, rather for the buzzling nature. While for shopping malls, the ambience characterized by its orderly organization is an attraction to patrons. This implies that patrons in Lagos are bipolar in their patronage; that they satisfy their polemical desires by maintaining patronage of both. In addition, in order to maximize the successes of both shopping malls and traditional markets the above lacking architectural qualities should be given paramount consideration than any other in the design of a hybrid
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria)
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-12-12) EMMANUEL JERRY DAUDA; EMMANUEL JERRY DAUDA
    Internet of Things (IoT) applications depend on data that are meaningful to the machine to efficiently function. Amongst other sources, data are generated by different types of sensors such as proximity sensor, pressure sensor, temperature sensor and ultrasonic sensor. The diversity of these sensors reflects on the data they generate. As a result, IoT applications encounter challenges understanding and processing these data. The most recent solution to this problem is data filtering and annotation on gateways. This has also resulted into a bottleneck processing thereby causing delay and inconsistencies in processed data. Consequently, an enhanced data preparation and annotation technique is proposed. This approach uses a distributed programming model for sensory data processing. The proposed approach seeks to develop a Hadoop MapReduce algorithm which efficiently filters and annotates sensory data in a distributed manner. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach, data generated by sensors are stored on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and are processed by a MapReduce job. Semantic Web technologies such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description Framework (RDF) were used for the data annotation. Two categories of experiments were conducted and comparison between the proposed system and the existing system were done based on data size and processing time. This dissertation concludes that the proposed system has 61.65% processing time and 13.41% data size enhancement respectively over the existing system
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) Emmanuel Patrick AGENE; Emmanuel Patrick AGENE
    The study examined Effects of Peer-Teaching and Discovery Methods on Economics Students‟ Academic Performances in Senior Secondary Schools in Benue State, Nigeria. The study was conducted with six objectives viz to: determine the effect of using peer- teaching on the performance of Economics students in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the effect of using discovery method of teaching on the performance of Economics students and in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the difference in the performance of students taught concept of division of labour using peer-teaching and those taught concept of division of labour using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the difference in the performance of students taught concepts of production using discovery method and those taught concepts of production using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria among others. The six guided objectives were transformed into research questions and hypotheses. The study adopted quasi-experimental design using a total of five thousand, four hundred and eighty-five (5,485) Economics students as the population of the study, while two hundred and fourteen (214) senior secondary school, students II were used as sample size. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The validated instrument was pilot tested and a reliability index of 0.87 was obtained. Data for the study were collected through the pre-test and post-test, using a teacher made test. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of independent t-test. The research questions were analyzed using means and standard deviation. Hypotheses 1 to 5 were tested using t-test statistics, while hypothesis 6 was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that: students taught Economics using discovery method of teaching performed significantly better than those taught using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; significant difference does exists between the academic performances of students taught production using discovery method of teaching and those taught using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State among other things. It was concluded that discovery method of teaching and peer-teaching method of teaching as learner-centered have positive effect in teaching Economics. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that: Economics teachers should make use of discovery method of teaching since it was found suitable for teaching-learning and capable of yielding positive students‟ academic performance than using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; Economics teachers should use peer-teaching method to teach concepts of production since it improves Economics students‟ academic performance than using conventional method to teach in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; peer-teaching method should be used by Economics teachers to teach the concepts of division of labour, since it has been found to enhance Economics students‟ academic performance than using conventional method to teach in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; and discovery method of teaching should be given more consideration by Economics teachers in teaching basic Economics analysis as it was found suitable and effective in teaching Economics than the use of conventional method in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria among other recommendations.
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    The research is on the“Contributions of Muslim Scholars to the Development of Islamic education with reference toIbnJama’ah Al-kinani” Among the research objectives is to examine the relevance of the ideologies and methodologies of IbnJama‟ah al-Kinani to the development of knowledge in the contemporary period. Also to examine the nature of the contributions of IbnJama‟ahto the development of knowledge.To appraise the contributions of Muslim scholars to the progress of knowledge in the history of the world.To discuss the problems and challenges of the contemporary Muslims in relation to knowledge and its values. Evaluate the roles of library and mosques to the development of knowledge. The methodology adopted is historical survey research method for data collection. The research discusses the significance of the study in which class room teachers students, school workers, administration, educational system and policies and researchers shall benefit. Among the results of research findings, it is discovered that IbnJama‟ah al-kinani propounded educational ideologies that are appreciated in the world of knowledge. His suggestions for educational curriculum composition were designed to facilitate the evolution of religiously. Pious oriented generation of Scholars. While the objective of authoring his book on education was to guide and assist teachers and students improve quality of their academic life and works, it also discovered that the educational ideologies of IbnJama‟ah if strictly adhere to and properly implemented will remedy the clamoring ugly situation in the educational sector “falling standard of education” in the contemporary period. The research concluded that the contributions made by prominent Muslim Scholars to the development of education in the whole world remain immeasurable and unquantifiable. The intellectual contributions of IbnJama‟ah to the development of Islamic education will ever remain significantly useful to classroom teacher, students, school works and administrators.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-12-09) Yusuf Birisan LAWAL; Yusuf Birisan LAWAL
    The study assessed the relevance of participatory approach to project management in Ilesha- Baruba community, Kwara State. Myriads project have been managed by Ilesha Development Association and Ilesha Women Association which are either abandoned or have not satisfied the users. The major obstacle hindering projects‟ success in the community is said to be non- involvement of beneficiaries at every stage of project management. The study chooses two projects; one by Ilesha Development Association and the other by Ilesha Women Association with a view to identify their initiation, planning, implementation and evaluation strategies thereby explaining the level of project success. The study was guided by two propositions.The study being a qualitative research made use of observations, focus group discussion and interviews to obtain primary data necessary for the study. Secondary data was derived from Manual of Ilesha development association,project planning document, responsibility chart/matrix, Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP), Project Progress Report (PPR) etc. Thematic method was adopted to present and analyze the data from the data collection instrument. The institutional perspective of participatory development was used as theoretical framework to lend credence to the study. The study revealed among others, misplacement of priority resulting from low level of beneficiaries‟ involvement in initiation of projects. The study also revealed lack of involvement of beneficiaries in planning and implementation. However, failure to involve the key stakeholders in these stages of the project cycle led to scope creep, project slippage and cost overrun. The study then recommendedamong others the involvement of beneficiaries in projects initiation as well as planning & implementation. It is on this premise that the study concluded that participatory development strategies lead to improved project success than non-participatory ones.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) ETTAH, Sarah Rademene; ETTAH, Sarah Rademene
    The study was conducted to assess principals’ role in the provision of students’ services in secondary schools in Cross River State. The study was conducted with the objectives to: evaluate principals’ role on the provision of guidance and counselling service in secondary schools in Cross River State, determine principals’ role on the provision of sport service in secondary schools in Cross River State, Find out principals’ role on the provision of transport service in secondary school in Cross River State, examine principals’ role on the provision of health service in secondary schools in Cross River State and assess principals’ role on the provision of library service in secondary schools in Cross River State. In line with the stated objectives five research questions, and five null hypotheses were formulated for the study. The study adopted descriptive study design. The population of the study comprised of 271 principals, 21680, 1626 students and 90 MOE officials. A sample size of 378 was drawn comprising of 28 principals, 247 teachers, 90 students and 13 MOE officials. The sample size was drawn using purposive sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a self-designed questionnaire which was validated by the researchers’ supervisors. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha technique which showed a reliability index of 0.82. The bio-data of respondents was analysed using descriptive statistics of simple percentage, frequency and table. The research questions were answered using weighted Mean of 3.0 as a bench mark. Inferential statistics of F-test, One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to test the five null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study among others revealed that:most principals attach importance to guidance and counseling services by providing offices and assigning teacher(s) for counselling services; most principals provided enable atmosphere for sporting activities to take place; Principals monitor the performance of school bus drivers, principals conduct regular interviews with students in order to assess the quality of transportation services; while most secondary schools do not have standard school library, where they exist, they are being managed by the school principals. It was recommended that Government should endeavor to make provision of school buses in public secondary schools and deploy people of outstanding character to manage the affairs of transport service in conjunction with school principals.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-05-15) Modibbo SALEH; Modibbo SALEH
    Bauchi State of Nigeria has undergone rapid land cover changes from natural and anthropogenic sources from 1976 to 2015. This in turn affects the natural resource base, hence a threat to the entire ecosystem. The study assesses the spatio-temporal changes of the vegetation cover in Bauchi. Remote Sensing, GIS techniques and questionnaire administration were employed to collect the data needed to address the research objectives. Multi-temporal satellite data (Land Sat Multi Spectral Scanner 1976 and Operational Land Imager 2015) were used for land cover-land cover (LULC) classification using Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) tool resulting in land cover map of 1976 and 2015. They were further analysed for changes using the Post- Classification Comparison Technique. The SPOT-NDVI data of 1998 and 2014 with 8km resolution were used to generate vegetation density map using NDVI differencing method resulting in four density classes: low (0.1-0.2), medium (0.2-0.3), high(0.3-0.4) and very high (>0.4). A regression statistics was used to test for relationship between NDVI, rainfall and temperature. The data on the driving factors of vegetation changes were obtained through semi-structured questionnaire. The Findings revealed that the settled/cultivated land increased by 3918.4 km2 (35.8%) with an annual rate of changes of 14.32% followed by Shrubbed Woodland Hills by 1550.4 km2 (14.2%) with annual rate of changes of 5.60%. While, the other vegetation cover types decreased. The results also indicated that the area coverage very high NDVI density class had decreased by - 2991 km2 (50%) with annual rate of change of -8, NDVI high density class had increases by +1615 km2 (27%) with annual rate of change +4.3, NDVI medium density class had increased by 1099 km2 (18.4%) with annual rate of change of +2.9 and NDVI low density class had increased by +277 km2 (4.6%) with annual rate of change + 0.74. The regression coefficients showed a strong relationship between NDVI, rainfall and temperature from 1998 to 2014 because of regression coefficient (R2 = 0.72) recorded in 1998, (R2 = 0.64) in 2006 and (R2 = 0.5) in 2014. The study further established a strong effect of anthropogenic activities on vegetation cover changes as majority of the respondents (99%) used fire wood in the study area. Therefore, awareness of the reality, magnitude and implications of vegetation cover changes should be raised among vegetation resource users, and the need for government to improve on shortfall of supply of other forms of alternative domestic energy source in the study area, areas part of recommendations made in this study.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2021-04-01) Aminu Abdullahi MUHAMMAD, B.Eng. (ABU, 2000) MSc. (ABU, 2011); Aminu Abdullahi MUHAMMAD, B.Eng. (ABU, 2000) MSc. (ABU, 2011)
    The separation of aromatic from the aliphatic hydrocarbons poses a challenge to the petrochemical industry due to the formation of azeotropes and close boiling point components. The potential application of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as a low cost and environmentally friendly alternative to the conventional organic solvent in the separation of aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures has been investigated in this thesis. Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) synthesis were carried out with eight 14 ammonium and phosphonium salts and 13 hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) at varied combinations of molar ratios (1- 2 ratio for salts and 1-6 ratios for HBDs). A total of two hundred and twenty-eight different types of salt: HBD combinations were tested as DESs Ten DESs were selected and re- synthesised in large quantities for the experiments on this thesis at a salt: HBD molar ratio of 1:2. The DESs were formed from tetrabutyl ammonium bromide (TBAB), tetrabutyl phosphonium bromide (TBPB) and Tetrabutyl phosphonium methane sulphonate (TBPMS) as salts, with Polyethylene Glycol 200 (PEG200), Polyethylene Glycol 600 (PEG600), Dimethyl Sulphuroxide (DMSO); and Dimethyl formamide (DMF) as HBDs. Physical properties of the selected DESs which includes density, viscosity, conductivity and refractive index were measured as function of temperature ranging from 303 K to 363 K with the exception of viscosity which was measured between 303K and 353 K at atmospheric pressure. The dependency of density and refractive index with temperature was found to be linear and the correlation coefficient for density and refractive index giving a satisfactory fitting with R2 ranging between 0.99 and 1.00 for all the studied DESs. Viscosity and conductivity were modeled using the Arrhenius-like and the Vogel-Fucher Tamman (VFT) equations for all the DESs. Model parameter fittings were done for viscosity and conductivity. The percent average absolute deviation (%AAD) VFT equation range for viscosity and conductivity are between 0.17 – 1.00 and 0.76 – 2.12 respectively. The percent average absolute deviation (%AAD) Arrhenius-like equations range for viscosity and conductivity are between 2.62 – 15.22 and 1.36 – 7.58 respectively. vii The potential applications of the synthesised DESs for the separation of aromatic from aliphatic hydrocarbons were carried out. Ternary diagrams for the DESs systems and the solute distribution coefficients and selectivity for the studied DESs were determined. The TBAB: PEG600 based DESs showed higher distribution coefficients and selectivity values ranging between 1.23 – 1.40 and 5.0 – 10.0 respectively, at low toluene composition, which indicates the extraction potentials of the DESs. Thermodynamic modelling using Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL) model and Universal Quasi Chemical (UNIQUAC) model were carried out from the experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium compositions. The NRTL model gave a better fit when compared to UNIQUAC model with Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) ranging between 0.0064 – 0.0008 and 0.2472 – 0.2250 respectively. Multistage extraction processes were also carried out from model fuel of toluene and octane mixture. The toluene removal efficiency for all the DESs is greater than 90% at the eight equilibrium extraction stage. This shows the ability of the DESs to separate toluene from octane to a lower concentration. Also the removal efficiency of benzene and toluene is greater than 90% and less than 80% for xylene at the 10th equilibrium extraction stage for the three DESs (TBAB: PEG600; TBPB: PEG600 and TBPMS: PEG600) during multistage extraction with synthetic naphtha feed. DESs regeneration were also carried out. The regenerated DESs shows a performance similar to the original DESs. After the three regeneration cycles the toluene removal efficiency of the studied DESs ranged between 20 – 30 percent.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) MOHAMMED ABUBAKAR; MOHAMMED ABUBAKAR
    Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations projected that Nigeria on the average loses $9billion annually to postharvest loss and waste of food. This losses and wastages occur as a result of in-adequacy of affordable and sustainable processing and storage mechanization technology. Among the food products, fruits and vegetables were found to be the most vulnerable .A cool storage system was designed and constructed with aim of mitigating dried vegetables losses and wastage. Surveys on dried vegetables and agricultural cold storages were conducted in the North Western region of Nigeria. Two cool rooms of 500kg dried vegetable capacity each were built using Laterite soils and Thatch grasses, soil classification and Atterberg limits tests were conducted using standard methods. A standard British mould (230x110x100mm) was used in moulding laterite soil blocks after 6% cement stabilization; the blocks were cured both in the shed and the sun for 14months in which its strengths were measured. Physical properties of the Thatch materials were determined, thermal conductivity of both Thatch and the stabilized blocks were also measured. Natural and artificial cooling methods were designed as a cooling medium for the rooms. Temperature and humidity mapping was carried out on the constructed rooms as no load test. Three dried vegetables; Baobab leaves, Okra and Tomato were dried using traditional method and a solar dryer then packaged in food grade polypropylene sheet and loaded into the rooms for load test after a statistical design, similar samples were kept in ordinary room as control. Room1 was set at air conditioner temperature of 20oC while Room2 was set at a temperature of 25oC, five quality indicating parameters: color, water activity, rehydration ratio, solid content and moisture contents were traced and tracked for four months starting from May using standard laboratory procedures. The survey results indicated that only fresh fish were stored in the region’s cold rooms and baobab leaves, okra and tomato are the most produced and stored dried vegetables in the region. The no load test showed that the inside Room1 temperature remains at 25oC while the outside room temperature ranges between 18oC to 41oC, similarly Room2 inside temperature stood at 23oC at the same condition of outside temperatures. That is at all outside temperature the inside temperature remains constant. The inside relative humidity of the rooms varies as that of the outside. By DMRT ranking, tomato and okra did not show significant color difference (5%level) for both storage temperatures and drying methods within the storage period but significant differences exist when compared with the controls. Baobab leaves colour differences were significant for all the storage samples (5% levels). The moisture content ranges between 6.5% and 9.0 %within the storage period of three months and then shot up to 13.9% in the month of August for Tomato and Okra. There was no significant difference in Fungal and Bacterial load on Tomato and Baobab but it existed in Okra (5% level) for the two storages. Water activity, rehydration ratio and solid content indicated stability at 0.05level of significance for all stored products except their controls. Within the storage period there was no significant difference in the quality indicating parameters measured for all the crops stored at 20oC and 25oC in the designed rooms at their packaging condition. During temperature mapping at natural cooling condition the rooms temperature remains constant (25oC) for all outside temperatures, therefore the products can be stored without the need of artificial cooling (air conditioner). The research cost of storage per kilogramme of products was N20.56.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2021-11-10) SARAH NAANLE KUMTONG; SARAH NAANLE KUMTONG
    This study assessed the principals' Role performance in Administration of Secondary Schools in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. The study specifically dwelt on the areas of Interpersonal relationship, decision making, communication skills, supervision, staff development, school and community relationship, maintenance of discipline and maintenance of facilities. The study has eight objectives, eight research questions and eight hypotheses. The study adopted descriptive survey design to assess the opinions of school principals and teachers on Principals’ Role Performance in Administration of Secondary Schools from the population of 193 principals and 8205 teachers in Federal Capital Territory Abuja. A sample of 12 principals and 108 teachers was randomly selected for the study. The instrument with reliability coefficient of 0.831 was used in data collection. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics involving tabular form and percentages. Hypotheses were tested using t- test inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that principals performed their roles on interpersonal relationships in secondary schools,and interacted with their subordinates freely. They encouraged teachers to work in harmony and have good interpersonal relationship with students. The result revealed that principals performed their role on decision making process in secondary schools as they involved PTA in decision making process on issues that affect them. Members of the local community did not take part in the decision making process in the schools. It was discovered from the study that the principals welcomed ideas during staff meeting while most of the time they took decisions unilaterally and as such teachers disengaged from school activities because they were not involved in decision making process. The researcher recommends among others that principals should ensure proper supervision of their teachers in order to make genuine annual evaluation of their performance.The principals of schools should ensure the use of proper skills for communication to the subordinates.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2019-11-15) Jummai Habu DAWAKI; Jummai Habu DAWAKI
    The study assessed the effects of Activity-Based and Problem-Solving methods on students‟ academic performance in Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was carried out with Seven objectives: determine the Pre-test and Post-test performances of students taught Basic Science using Activity-Based and those taught using Problem-solving method; determine the performance of students taught Basic Science using Activity-Based and Conventional method; examine the effect of Problem-Solving and Conventional method on the performance of students in Basic Science in Junior Secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria amongst others. The study adopted quasi experimental research design. The target population of the study was made up of 119,238 Junior Secondary 2 Students in Kaduna State, of Nigeria. The sample size for this study consisted of 3 intact classes of 218 Junior Secondary School students. Purposive sampling techniques was used to choose the sample size. The instrument used for data collection in the study was adopted test of multiple choice in Basic Science Junior Secondary Certificate Examination, 2010-2014. The validated instrument was pilot tested and a reliability coefficient of 0.79 was obtained. The statistical tools used for data analysis included descriptive statistics mainly mean and standard deviation which was used to respond to the research questions raised in the study. The t-test was used to test hypotheses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test hypotheses 6 and 7. The hypotheses formulated for this study were retained or rejected at 0.05 level of significance. The study established among others that, Students taught basic science using activity-based method had a higher mean score and performed significantly better in the post-test (P-value .002 <0.05), Students taught basic science using Problem-Solving method had a higher mean score and performed significantly better in the post-test (P-value .002 <0.05). The post-test mean performance of students taught Basic Science using Activity-Based method is slightly higher than the post-test mean performance of students taught Basic Science using Problem-Solving method (p- value .004 <0.05) Students taught basic science using activity-based method had a higher mean score and performed significantly better than their counterparts taught using conventional method (P-value .003<0.05). It was concluded that the activity-based method was more effective to teach Basic Science as the method enabled students to achieve higher mean score and performed better than their counterparts taught using both problem-solving and conventional methods. Recommendations were that; Teachers and school Managers, should provide and encourage the use of both Activity-based and Problem-solving methods as they both have been proved to be effective empirically in enhancing students‟ academic performance; Basic science teachers should be encouraged to use Activity based method because of its positive effect in enhancing students‟ academic performance; and Teachers should be encouraged to make their classrooms active learning classrooms by ensuring that their students are exposed to meaningful Problem-solving activities that will make them active learners not passive listeners or receivers.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) DAUDA ASABE; DAUDA ASABE
    This study is on the impact of Classroom Management Techniques on teaching and learning in secondary schools in FCT Abuja, Nigeria. The study has five (5) objectives among which are to: examine the impact of punishment on teaching and learning in secondary schools in FCT Abuja, assess the impact of motivation on teaching and learning in secondary schools in FCT Abuja. The objectives of the study were designed to correspond with the research questions, hypotheses and basic assumptions. The study will be of benefits to school Administrators, Teachers, Students and Ministry of Education officials in FCT Abuja. The study covered all public secondary schools in FCT Abuja and limited to impact of classroom management techniques on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Abuja. The review of related literature is based on the issues of objectives of the study. The study adopted descriptive survey method. The population of the study was 8,398. The sample size was 132 and stratified random sampling was used to draw the sample. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The validity of the instrument was determined by two supervisors and other expects in Educational {Administration and Planning. The reliability coefficient of the instrument using Cronbach-Alpha technique, showed the reliability value of 0.78. The research questions were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 23 presented in tables, frequencies and mean scores. All the six null hypothesis were tested using inferential statistic (t- test) .Out of the six null hypotheses tested, four were retained while two were rejected. The findings, among others showed that punishment helped students to maintain order in the classroom during teaching and learning in secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Students actively participated in classroom activities in most secondary schools. The conclusion and among others showed that punishment helped Students remain on their seats and also maintain order in the classroom for effective teaching and learning. The recommendations made, include Government, Stakeholders, Policy Makers and School management should provide different punishment strategies that will cause positive change in students‟ behaviours and promote effective teaching and learning in secondary schools.
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    This dissertation presents the development of a non-binary error control decoder for solid state drives that require high throughput when reading data for error correction. The miniaturization of chip fabrication has made flash memory cells of Solid State Drives (SSDs) susceptible to distortion and error. This is as a result of the continuous storage of bits unto a single cell, which eventually leads to an increase in the number of errors to be corrected by the decoder. Also, the representation of the messages passed between the variable node and the check node involve the use of large Galois fields, which eventually results in very high decoding complexity without leading to an increase in the decoding throughput. Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code previously utilized to correct multi-bit errors, causes the SSD controller to experience latency during decoding. In this work, a non-binary Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code is used in conjunction with a small Galois Field (GF) of eight, a parallel architecture and a reduced iteration limit to develop an error control decoder for SSDs. The error control decoder was synthesized on a ZYNQ 7000 Series Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The developed error control decoder achieved a throughput of 2.34Gbps at 125-MHz clock frequency and a maximum iteration limit of six (6). A total power of 0.223W was consumed by the decoder. The result shows an improvement in the throughput by 7.3%, and an increase in the power by 5.2% when compared with the decoder implemented by Toriyama et al 2018.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) MAINA BUKAR DAVID; MAINA BUKAR DAVID
    This study examined the effects of three modes of cooperative learning strategy on chemistry students‟ performance and motivation in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria.The study was guided by four research questions and four null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 alpha levels. Comparative effects of video, Facebook and WhatsApp-based cooperative learning instructional strategy were explored. The instrument and the treatment packages used in the study were researcher adapted Chemistry Performance Test, Chemistry Motivation Scale, Video Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package, Facebook Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package, which were validated by experts. The study employed quasi-experimental post-test control group research design. The sample population comprises of 120 SS2 Chemistry students drawn from three government secondary schools in Kaduna Metropolis. Three classes were selected through simple random sampling technique from the selected schools. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the two research questions while ANOVA was used to test the two null hypotheses. Findings of the study revealed that students taught with Facebook Based Cooperative learning Instructional Package and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package have almost the same low level of performance, while students taught with video Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package perform much better and therefore have increased academic performance. The findings of the research work also indicated that students taught using Facebook and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Packages were more motivated than their counterparts taught using Video Based Cooperative Learning Instructional Package. Finally, it was recommended that Video, Based Cooperative Learning Instructional package should be used to teach so as to enhance students‟ academic performance; Teachers should incorporate video, Facebook and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional packages as part of their instructional delivery strategy in order to motivate and enhance students learning; Irrespective of gender video, Facebook and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional packages should be used to teach in order to enhance students‟ academic performance; Video, Facebook and WhatsApp Based Cooperative Learning Instructional packages should be used to teach students irrespective of gender so as to increase their academic motivation.
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    (Ahmadu Bello University Zaria)